EFAS bylaws accepted by the General Assembly on 16sep16
§1. NAME
The European Federation of Audiology Societies, EFAS, is a non-profit organization, formed as a federation for national audiology societies in the European countries. Audiology is defined as the science of hearing and the alleviation of the effects of disorders of the auditory system. The countries eligible to be part of EFAS are as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The scope of EFAS is to promote cooperation, exchange of experience and knowledge of audiology within Europe, both as a scientific field and as a hearing health service. EFAS may also represent European audiology in international forums and organizations.
EFAS is open for membership for national societies of audiology in the European countries. Each member nation shall be represented by a single Voting Representative and by two Non-Voting Representatives, appointed by the respective national audiology society if available. For a country without a national audiology society, the Board may accept as a temporary alternative another professional society or entity, which is actively engaged in audiology.
The Committee of Representatives shall consist of the Voting and Non-Voting Representatives from all member nations of EFAS. Each country has one vote in the Committee of Representatives. This representation must be agreed within the country, if several societies are participating jointly from that country. No country can have more than one member elected to the Board.
The Board shall consist of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the Past Chairperson, the Secretary-General and the Treasurer, elected from the members of the Committee of Representatives. The term of office is two years. The Vice Chairperson shall normally succeed to the office of Chairperson for a two year period and thereafter to the office of Past Chairperson for a two year term. No member shall serve for more than six years continuously. After this term the Past Chairperson can be a member of the search committee. The Board may co-opt additional members, without voting rights, for specific purposes, e.g. in relation to European Conferences on Audiology, or to help liaise with other organizations. The Board shall be responsible for managing the affairs of EFAS according to the general policy decided by the Committee of Representatives, and take initiatives to promote audiology in Europe. The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of EFAS´ finances. These accounts are to be submitted to the Auditors yearly at least one month before the General Assembly.
The Secretary-General of EFAS shall be responsible for keeping an updated list of membership and representatives, records of all the activities of EFAS and the Board, and managing the distribution of information to representatives and members.
The Committee of Representatives shall meet for General Assembly once per year. The two Non-Voting Representatives from each member may participate in the discussions. At this occasion the Secretary-General and Board shall report about events and activities of the past period and present proposals for future activities, for discussion and decision. The auditors shall report on the accounts of EFAS. Elections for members of the Board, auditors and the search committee shall be held. Each term of office shall be for two years.
Every odd year a European Conference of Audiology shall be organized. The purposes shall be the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the exchange of experience concerning education and training as well as organization and provision of hearing health care. The host nation shall vary between the member nations. For each conference, a national organization committee shall be appointed by the audiology society of the host nation to prepare the conference in cooperation with the Board. Proposals for hosting conferences, for which guidelines are available, shall be presented to the General Assembly and voted on by secret ballot. Email voting by non-attending voting representatives or written transfer of voting rights to a non-voting representative is allowed. Email votes should be received at the EFAS Secretary-General 24h before the GA. Proposals received at the EFAS Secretary-General will be mailed to all representatives. Decisions shall be made by majority vote and take place four years in advance of the conference. When votes are tied, the Board members will make the final decision during the General Assembly
The Board may appoint working groups for specific purposes. Such a working group shall have an appointed convener and a well defined mandate, and shall report results to the General Assembly. Guidelines are available.
A search committee of three people, appointed by the General Assembly, shall call for nominations to the offices of Vice Chairperson, Secretary-General and Treasurer of the Board, and two auditors, and draw up a list of nominees. The list of nominees shall be presented to the Voting and Non-Voting Representatives of all members at least one month prior to the General Assembly for election every odd year. In addition to the names prepared by the search committee, the final ballot can include names which have been agreed upon by the representatives of at least three member national societies. Proposals received at the EFAS Secretary-General will be mailed to all representatives. Election shall occur by a majority vote. Email voting by non-attending Voting Representatives or written transfer of voting rights to a Non-Voting Representative is allowed. Email votes should be received at the EFAS Secretary-General 24h before the GA. When votes are tied, the Board members will make the final decision during the General Assembly.
§11. DUES
Each member of EFAS shall pay annual dues to EFAS as decided by the General Assembly. Financial sponsoring from external sources is welcome as long as it does not interfere with the purpose of EFAS.
Amendments to these by-laws may be made by the General Assembly. The proposed amendments shall be distributed to the members at least one month in advance. To be accepted, amendments must be approved by the majority of the membership. Email voting by non-attending Voting Representatives or written transfer of voting rights to a Non-Voting Representative is allowed. Email votes should be received at the EFAS Secretary-General 24h before the GA.